2018 - 01 - 24
Compared with the previous version: upates as following: 1.New features 1) Added 639engine, gearbox, natural gas, transfer case, LPG, air conditioning and other system action test and matching function (not including code, programming, SCN) 2) Added automatic VIN recognition. 2.Optimization function no 3.Fixed bugs No Support products: X431 V、X431 V+、X431V+ (2016)、X431V (2016)、X431 PRO、X431 PROS+、X431 PRO (2016)、X431 PRO3、X431 PRO3S、X431 PRO3S+、X431 PRO4、ScanPad071、ScanPad071 (2016)、ScanPad101、X431 PADIII、X431 PADIII (2017)、Golo Master、GoloMaster2、GoloMaster2Plus、EasyDiag2.0、CRP229、X...
2018 - 01 - 24
Compared with the previous version: upates as following: 1.New Functions Add CRP 429 product support 2.Optimized Functions None 3.Fixed bugs None Support products: CRP_429
2018 - 01 - 24
Compared with the previous version: upates as following: 1. New Functions None 2. Optimized Functions 1).Optimize the software structure 3. Fixed Bugs None Support products: CRP_429
2018 - 01 - 24
Compared with the previous version: upates as following: 1.新增功能 无 2.优化功能 1)优化软件结构 3.问题修改 无 Support products: CRP429
2018 - 01 - 24
Compared with the previous version: 1. New Function 1) Added special functions for the following systems of 2016-2017 GIULIA, FREEMONT, NOVO UNO FL, TORO, MOBI, THEMA, VOYAGER: ECM, PCM, BCM, HVAC, RADIO, PTS, PAM, WCM, EPS, ORC, TPM, IPC, RFH, ABS, DTCM, TCM, AMP, CCN, CDCM, DMM, LTM, TVM 2. Optimized Function 1) Optimized the software structure. 3. Fixed Bugs 1) None
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