2018 - 07 - 13
Compared with the previous version: updates as following: 1. Summary Added the special functions leveling and injector adjustment for some systems under chassis 292, 253; optimized the functions Version Information, Read DTCs, and Data Streams for all systems under 19 chassis such as 253, 205, 222, 213, 217; Added the action and the special functions for all systems under chassis 213. 2. New Functions 1) Added basic functions and the control matching functions for the Suspension (ADS) system under chassis 292. Control matching functions are as follows: Leveling function 2) Added actuation test...
2018 - 06 - 28
Compared with the previous version: updates as following: 1.Summary Added support for 2018-2019 ECLIPSE CROSS / OUTLANDER CROSS, XPANDER, including Read DTCs, Reset Learned Values, Startup Counter, Write Chassis Number, Coding, Sensor Calibration. Supported freeze frames comprehensively. 2.New Functions 1)Added the function Read DTCs for systems (such as Engine and ABS) of 2018-2019 ECLIPSE CROSS / OUTLANDER, XPANDER. 2)Added the following functions for the Engine system of 2018-2019 ECLIPSE CROSS / OUTLANDER, XPANDER: actuation test, reset learned value, startup counter, timing chain maintena...
2018 - 06 - 28
Compared with the previous version: 1.Outline Optimize Changhe BeiDouXing engine reading trouble code problem, modification is test problem features None 3.optimize the function modifying Changhe BeiDouXing Engine System to Read DTCs 4.fix the problem None
2018 - 06 - 28
Compared with the previous version: updates as following: 1. Summary Added support for 3008(P84), 4008 China, 5008 (P84), EXPERT(KO), TRAVELLER, 308(TX9), BOXER 3 Euro 5/Euro 6. 2. New Functions 1) Added 27 systems including Engine, Gearbox, Airbag for 3008(P84). 2) Added 27 systems including Engine, Gearbox, Airbag for 4008 China. 3) Added 27 systems including Engine, Gearbox, Airbag for 5008 (P84). 4) Added 27 systems including Engine, Gearbox, Airbag for EXPERT(KO). 5) Added 27 systems including Engine, Gearbox, Airbag for TRAVELLER. 6) Added 18 systems including Engine, Gearbox, Airbag for...
2018 - 06 - 26
Compared with the previous version: updates as following: 1. Abstract Added the VDC check mode function for the ABS. Corrected the intelligent diagnosis access. Resolved the DTC missing problem. Corrected the AWD on/off switching mode function, rear differential check mode function. 2. new functions Added the VDC check mode function for the ABS. 3. optimized functions None 4. fixed bugs 1) Corrected the intelligent diagnosis access. 2) Resolved the DTC missing problem. 3) Corrected the AWD on/off switching mode function in the gearbox system. 4) Corrected the rear differential check mode funct...
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