2018 - 06 - 11
Compared with the previous version: Compared with the V34.95 What's new 1. Summary Added special functions for each system of eight FIAT models such as Ottimo, Viaggio, Voyager, Giulia. 2. New Functions 1)Added about 70 special functions for the systems DTCM (Drive System Control Module), TIPMCGW (Central Gateway), TBM (Telematics Module), RRM (Radio Receiver Module) of eight FIAT models. Car models: Ottimo, Viaggio, Voyager, Giulia, Flavia, 500X,Toro,Novo Uno FL; Special functions: 1Odd no. gear clutch position sensor replacement 2Sensors module replacement 3 View Remote Start Enable Data...
2018 - 06 - 11
Compared with the previous version: Compared with the V22.97 What's new 1. Summary This version fixed the problem of no communication when Entering SAAB 9-3 Sport(9440)Engine; 2. New functions None; 3. Optimized functions None; 4. Fixed bugs Fixed the problem of no communication when Entering SAAB 9-3 Sport(9440)Engine; Support products: X431 V、X431 V+、X431V+(2016)、X431V(2016)、X431 Pro、X431 PRO(2016)、X431 PRO3、X431 PRO3S、X431 PRO4、ScanPad071、ScanPad071(2016)、ScanPad101、X431 PADIII、X431_HD2、Golo Master(Android_chinese)、GoloMaster2、GoloMaster2Plus、Golo EasyDiag+、EasyDiag2.0、CRP229、X431 PADII...
2018 - 06 - 08
Compared with the previous version: Compared with the V37.11 What's new 1.Summary Added and optimized the functions Read DTCs, Clear DTCs, Data Streams, and Actuation Test for the systems such as Engine, A/T, BCM of some 2017 cars in Japanese market. Added 12 special functions such as hydraulic circuit pressure relief, hydraulic kit replacement, and transmission replacement for the A/T system. 2.New Functions 1) Added and optimized the functions Read DTCs, Clear DTCs, Data Streams, and Actuation Test for the systems such as Engine, A/T, BCM of some 2017 cars in Japanese market. 2) Added 12...
2018 - 06 - 08
Compared with the previous version: updates as following: 1.Summary Optimizing the reading function of data flow in each system 2. New Functions Nothing 3. Optimized Functions Optimizing the reading function of data flow in each system 4. Fixed Bugs Nothing Support products: X431 PRO、X431 PRO3、X431 PRO3S、X431 PRO3S+、X431 PADIII
2018 - 06 - 07
Compared with the previous version: updates as following: 1.Summary Added 50 actuation test and special functions for systems such as the Engine, A/T, and Body Electronics, including DI fuel pressure test, camera calibration, and radar calibration. Added the Manual Oil Reset function for some common car models. Added diagnostic support for 5 subsystem types of the systems such as Multi-view Camera and Body Electronics. 2.New Functions 1)Added diagnostic support for the following: Multi-view Camera system MVCPA type, Electric vacuum pump system EVPS2 type, Integrated Motor Assist system AIMA2 t...
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