2018 - 01 - 15
Compared with the previous version: 1. new functions 1) Added the special functions such as Beam Axis Adjustment, Front Beam Axis Adjustment, Automatic Camera Adjustment, Manual Camera Adjustment ,etc 2. optimized functions 1) Optimize Menu 3. fixed bugs 1)fixed the communication bugs
2018 - 01 - 13
Compared with the previous version: upates as following: 1. New Functions 1) Added the Read Freeze Frame function for AIT product. 2. Optimized Functions 1) Optimized the functions Read Data Streams, Actuation Test, Basic Setting, Matching, and Coding for some channel numbers. 2) Optimized the software structure. 3. Fixed Bugs 1) Rectified the software crash fault caused by too many sub data streams when Gateway system data streams are read. Support products: X431 AIT、AIT_PILE
2018 - 01 - 12
Compared with the previous version: upates as following: 1.New Functions 1) upated the functions Read Version Information, DTCs, Read Data Streams, and Basic Adjustment for all systems of VW commercial vehicles CARFTER. 2) Added the Read Freeze Frame function for AIT product 2.Optimized Functions 1) Optimized the online function. 2)Optimize part of the channel number read data flow, action test, basic settings, adaptation, encoding and other functions 3) Optimized the software structure. 4) Optimize quick test and system report. 3.Fixed Bugs 1) Resolved the problem that engine DTCs ...
2018 - 01 - 11
Compared with the previous version: functions 1) No upate content 2.optimized functions 1) No upate content 3.fixed bugs 1) upate DTCs of the Myvi vehicle
2018 - 01 - 06
Compared with the previous version:1. new functions 1) Added Coolant Level Sensor Check function 2) Added BECM Cell Voltage function 3) Added CCCLearn feature 4) Add a new Health Reports interface 5) Added AIT freeze frame display 2. optimized functions 1) Optimize automatic search enter 2) Optimize power balance, relative compression function 3) Optimize the action test 4) Optimize the module brushing function 5) Optimize Clear Transmission Adaptive Tables and more 6) Improve the Remote Start function 3. fixed bugs 1) Optimize software code
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