2017 - 05 - 22
Date: April 28-29Place: SevastopolLAUNCH took part in the inter-regional exhibition "Motors", which was held for the first time in Sevastopol and gathered many representatives of the auto business. Auto businesses are actively interested in prospective regions to promote their products.The main purpose that LAUNCH participated was in the search for business partners and new markets in the Crimea. It was held in the largest Sevastopol’s mall "Musson", where were presented products on the main thematic sections on an area of 1200 m²:The participants includes th...
2017 - 05 - 12
Date: 7 - 9 May 2017Venue: Dubai World Trade CentreLAUNCH Booth: S1-L22As the largest international automotive aftermarket trade show in the Middle East, Automechanika Dubai is a good platform to find out more about the latest products and services, find new suppliers, source products and compare product alternatives.LAUNCH, as famous scanner, maintenance and lift suppliers, actively participated this distinguished meeting in recent year. S1-L22 is near to the entrance of Automechanika Dubai, which benefits LAUNCH products to show all visitors. During the Automechanika Dubai, LAUNCH ...
2017 - 04 - 24
Date: March 21 th – 24thPlace: New DelhiThe ACMA Automechanika New Delhi is the only exhibition in india, which speicilizing in Automotive Aftermarket. The ACMA Automechanika New Delhi 2017 was opened in March 21th, attracting 550 exhibitors from 17 countries around the world and displaying the latest products related Automotive Aftermarket.LAUNCH India dealer participated in this exhibition and displayed LAUNCH diagnostic products series. It mainly displayed X-431 PAD IV HD, X-431 PRO scanners, Creader 981 and Creader 821 DIY tools. Besides ,LAUNCH also displayed maintenan...
2017 - 04 - 24
Date: March 23th – 25thPlace: Kuala Lumpur2017 Frankfurt (Kuala Lumpur) International Auto Show is organized by the Frankfurt Messe and co-sponsored by the Malaysian government under the Foreign Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) every two years. The scale of 2017 exhibition has continued to expand, the exhibition area has reached 9,710 square meters and has opened a total of five pavilions, which has attracted more than 8,000 visitors from all over the world to the scene, and over 300 exhibitors from around the world.Every year, LAUNCH TECH(M) SDN.BHD has participated actively ...
2017 - 04 - 24
Date: March 21 th – 24thPlace: New DelhiThe ACMA Automechanika New Delhi is the only exhibition in india, which speicilizing in Automotive Aftermarket. The ACMA Automechanika New Delhi 2017 was opened in March 21th, attracting 550 exhibitors from 17 countries around the world and displaying the latest products related Automotive Aftermarket.LAUNCH India dealer participated in this exhibition and displayed LAUNCH diagnostic products series. It mainly displayed X-431 PAD IV HD, X-431 PRO scanners, Creader 981 and Creader 821 DIY tools. Besides ,LAUNCH also displayed maintenan...
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