From April 29th to May 1st, all car sports lovers in Bikernieki racetrack will bring together for the grand season opening event-North European and Baltic Touring Car Championship round. Gathering 100-150 participants, BaTCC (Baltic Touring Car Championship) was took place in Baltic State, which is a touring car racing series from Baltic State, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Belarus etc. BaTCC is the largest racing series in Baltic State. It is worth to mention that LAUNCH Europe as one of the sponsors. Our team finished the contest with the second place in first round. LAUNCH Europe is looking forward to take part at the next event. Stay tuned!

It is not the first time for LAUNCH to sponsored similar car racing contest. It can date back to 28.
Founded in year 2000, Baltic Touring Car Championship (BaTCC) has been held every year with 5 stages during the season. Bikernieki racetrack is largest race track complex of its kind in the Baltics since 1966 for motorcycles, cars and go-carts.